Colin Mulcahy
2 min readJun 15, 2020


Fellow Sqreeners!

Another exciting week is in the books for the team out here on the West Coast! With lockdown restrictions slowly starting to relax in California, Paul and Lucas decided to head down south for some sunshine and waves (mostly Lucas, maybe Paul??).

Lucas was a bit hungry after a long day of travel and decided to treat himself to a cookie… why wouldn’t he, the man works hard!!!

Unfortunately, Lucas was not the only hungry beast in the greater San Diego area as there were sharks in the water, one that was eager to grab a chunk of Lucas’s surfboard as a late afternoon snack. Alternative reporting shows Paul borrowed the board and took a nosedive into the La Jolla rocks — you’ll have to sort out the truth with the two of them :)

On another front, it was a big week for haircuts for the team in SF. Seems like everyone is finally getting a chance to get a trim! Jim got a black market barber to come by the house and give him the ol’ “high and tight”, while Lucas trusted Paul with clippers and dare I say it, he did a pretty darn good job…

So good that it even had Hiroki thinking to himself, “if only I had known Paul back in the Ann Arbor days, we coulda done something with this!”

Sorry Hiroki, but the HS water polo picture has been played too many times for this one not to surface :)

To wrap things up, here is a picture of Mike staring optimistically at the week ahead!

